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Showing posts from March, 2021

Coup Attempt Foiled In Niger Republic

Two days before the inauguration of the new government in the Republic of Niger, a military coup took place on Tuesday night. Reports say that gunfire erupted at the Presidential Palace around 3:00 am, last night. However, the AFP news agency reported that the measure had been blocked.  Today the city of Niamey is on a day-to-day basis.  So far no details have been released on the purpose of the new coup attempt, concerning those involved.  Niger has a long history of coups d'état from the military to the present day. Many leaders, including Saleh Kumchey, Baare Mainasara and Mammadou Tandja, have staged military coups.  Following the February 28 Presidential Election in the country, which was won by Bazoum Mohammed, many expect that this is the time to hand over power from one civilian government to another for the first time in the country.

An Dakile Yunkurin Juyin Mulki A Nijar

Kwanaki biyu rak suka rage a rantsar da sabuwar gwamnati a Jamhuriyar Nijar wasu sojoji suka yi wani yunkurin juyin mulki a daren jiya talata. Rahotanni da ke shigowa yanzu haka na cewa tun da misalin karfe 3:00 na daren jiya ne aka soma jiyo harbe-haben bindiga a fadar gwamnatin kasar. Sai dai kamfanin dilancin labaru na AFP ya ruwaito cewa an dakile matakin. A yau birnin Yamai ya zama cikin shirin ko-ta-kwana. Kawo yanzu dai babu wani cikakken bayani game da manufar wannan sabon yunkurin juyin mulkin da ma wadanda suka so kaddamar da shi. Kasar Nijar dai ta dade tana fuskantar yawan juyin mulki tun daga lokacin sojoji ya zuwa yau. In da da dama daga shugabannin kasar da suka hada da Saleh Kumchey, Baare Mainasara har kawo Mammadou Tandja ake samun juyin mulkin sojoji. Bayan kammala zaben shugaban kasa da ya gudana a ranar 28 ga watan Febrairun da ya gabata, wanda Bazoum Mohammed yayi nasara akan Mohammed Ousmane, ake sa ran a karon farko za a mika mulki daga wata gwamnati...

The Nigerian Governors Forum Describe The Militant Attack On Benue State Governor As Shocking

The Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) has described the militant attack on the Benue State governor as "shocking" and "scary".  Governor Samuel Ortom's delegation was attacked by gunmen on Saturday on the Makurdi-Gboko road, when he visited his farm.  In a statement issued by the group's chairman and Ekiti State Governor Kayode Fayemi on Sunday, the NGF congratulated Ortom for the escape from the attack which it said was "scary and offensive".  Inspector General of Police Mohammed Adamu also condemned the attack and ordered that security be beefed up on the governor and an investigation launched.  "The NGF has said in a loud voice that efforts to rehabilitate Benue State will not succeed," the statement said.  "One of the relatives of a former governor of the state was recently killed. This kind of act of violence must be stopped for whatever reason to kill the people of Benue."

"Ba Zan Taba Sulhu Da 'Yan Ta'adda Ba" - In ji El-Rufa'i

Gwamnan jihar Kaduna Malam Nasir El-Tufa'i ya ce ba zai taba yin sulhu da 'yan bindigar da suka sace dalibai 39 a jihar Kaduna ba. Ya ce, "ta yaya za ka dauki kudi ka ba dan ta'addan da zai yi amfani da shi ya sayi makamai wanda zai yi amfani da shi a kan ka". A makon da ya gabata, ‘yan ta’adda sun sace dalibai 39 tare da neman kudin fansa har Naira miliyan 500 daga Gwamnatin Kaduna. Gwamnan ya fada a watan jiya cewa ba zai taba yin sulhu da duk wani dan fashi da makami don neman kudin fansa ba. Jihar Kaduna da ke arewacin Najeriya na fuskantar yawan sace-sacen mutane, inda makonni biyu da suka gabata wasu mahara suka farma wani rukunin gidajen ma’aikatan Hukumar Filaye Jiragen Sama ta Kasa da ke Kaduna tare da yin awon gaba mutane 11 wanda kawo yanzu ba a san inda suke ba.

"I Will Never Compromise With Terrorists", Says El-Rufai

Kaduna State Governor Malam Nasir El-Tufa'i has said he would never compromise with the gunmen who kidnapped 39 students in Kaduna State. He said, "how can you take money and give it to a terrorist who will use it to buy weapons that will also be used against you". Last week, 39 students were abducted by terrorists and demanded a ransom of 500 million naira from Kaduna State Government. The governor had said last month that he would never reconcile with any armed robber for ransom. The northern Nigerian state of Kaduna has been rocked by a spate of kidnappings in recent weeks, with two weeks ago raiding an airport staff area in Kaduna abducting 11 people and their whereabouts are still unknown.

A Woman Kills Her Own Baby Burns Her Husband

The Ogun state Police Command has arrested a 43-year-old housewife and mother of five, Bisola Awodele, for allegedly pouring hot water on her husband, Peter Philips over accusation of being drunkard and abandoning his responsibility. According to the police, the suspect had given birth to a baby about eight months ago, but she killed and secretly buried the baby out of frustration. It was gathered that the suspect was arrested following a report by the husband at the Ota Divisional Police Headquarters, Ogun State. The victim reportedly ran into the police station with burns all over his body and reported that there was a fight between him and his wife who accused him of always being drunk and in the process the wife picked up a pot of hot water and poured it on him. Ogun state police spokesman, Abimbola Oyeyemi, who confirmed the incident on Sunday in Abeokuta said following receipt of the report,  the area commander, ACP Muhideen Obe, directed the operatives to effect ...

Ta Ya Za Ku Gane Labaran Karya?

A wannan lokacin, yana da matukar wuya a gano labaran karya nan take ba tare da bincike mai zurfi ba. Mutane na yada labarai marasa tushe a kokarin cimma wata mummunar manufa. Misali na kwanan nan shine game da asalin Annobar Korona (Covid-19) da kuma tsarin sadarwa na intanet na 5G. Wasu mutane kuma suna amfani da sunayen wasu shahararrun kamfanonin yada labarai wajen kaddamar da shafukansu na yanar gizon a Facebook. Za ku ga sunayen jaridu da kuka sani amma suna dauke da tambari daban-daban kuma wani lokacin ana rubuta sunayen ba bisa tsari ba. Domin gano labaran karya a shafukan Facebook da tweeter, koyaushe a yi la'akari da abubuwan da ke ciki da tsarin harshen da aka yi amfani da shi wajen rubuta labaran.  Wani lokaci idan asusun na bogi ne zaka ga abubuwan da ke ciki ba a tsara su ba, babu rariyar likau kuma suna cike da kurakuran nahawu. Lura, ku tabbata kun ga alamar tabbaci mai launin shuɗi da ke nuna cewa asusun na kwarai ne kamar dai na BBC. Ku yi nazarin labari kafin ku...

How To Identify Fake News?

In this time, it is very difficult to identify fake news instantly without strong research. People spread baseless information in an attempt to achieve a bad goal. A recent example is about the origin of the Covid-19 and the 5G network. Some people also use the names of prominent media companies to launch their fake websites or Facebook pages. You will see the names of newspapers you know but carry different logo and sometimes the names are written in an awkward way. To identify a fake page on Social Media like Facebook and tweeter, always consider the contents and language used. Sometimes if the account is fake you will find the contents are not organized, no links and are full of grammatical errors. Note, make sure you look for a blue verification tick which shows that the account is authentic like that of the BBC. Examine a story before you believe it, not every story is true

'Yan Bindiga Sun Sace Yarinya 'Yar Shekara 18 A Jahar Kabi

Rundunar ‘yan sanda reshen jihar Kabi ta tabbatar da sace wata yarinya‘ yar shekaru 18 (da aka sakaya sunanta) a Gangaren NEPA, Birnin Kabi, babban birnin jihar Kebbi a farkon safiyar yau Juma’a. DSP Nafi’u Abubakar, jami’in hulda da jama’a na ‘yan sanda, ya tabbatar da hakan ga manema labarai a Birnin Kabi. Ya ce jami'a 'yan sanda sun yi duk mai yiwuwa don ceto yarinyar amma abin ya faskara Abubakar ya shawarci jama'a da akoyaushe su dinga kai rahoton duk abinda ba su amince da shi ba, domin hakan zai taimaka wajen yakar ayukkan ta'addanci. An kuma gano cewa mahaifin yarinyar da aka sace, Faruq Mohammed jami'in Hukumar Tsaro ta (NSCDC), ta Jihar Kabi ne. Da yake magana a wata hira da manema labarai, Mohammed, ya ce ‘yan bindigar sun shigo unguwar ne kwaram “Lokacin da suka zo gidana, na lura tare da jiro hayaniya kuma na fahimci cewa wani abu da ba daidai ba da ke shirin aukuwa. “Ina da hanyoyi biyu a gidana: daya a gaba yayin da kuma dayar ke cikin gar...

Gunmen Kidnapped I8 Year Old Girl In Kebbi

The Kebbi State Police Command has confirmed the kidnapping of an-18-year-old girl (name withheld) at Gangaren NEPA, Birnin Kebbi, the Kebbi State capital in the early mining hours of Friday. DSP Nafi’u Abubakar, the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the command, confirmed this to newsmen in Birnin Kebbi on Friday. He said that the police were on top of the situation, as all efforts had been put in place to rescue the victim. Abubakar advised the general public to furnish the police with useful information on the matter. He also urged the public to report to the security agencies any suspicious move to enable them take the necessary action to foil the illicit action. It was also learnt that the father of the kidnapped girl, Faruq Mohammed is a member of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Kebbi State Command. Speaking in an interview with journalists at the scene, Mohammed, said the gunmen came into the area and started operation. “When they came ...

Nigerians In Diospora Commission Commend CBN

Abike Dabiri-Erewa, chairman of the National Agency for Nigerians Abroad (NIDCOM), commended the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for introducing the program. In a statement signed by NIDCOM public relations officer Abdur-Rahman Balogun, Dabiri-Erewa said the initiative was a welcome development as it would encourage visitors to send money through official methods. The CBN, meanwhile, said the scheme was an incentive for foreign exchange brokers where remittance seekers would have to pay N5 per dollar imported. Dabirewa said the policy, if implemented properly, would have an impact on the Nigerian economy. She said the office of Nigerians Abroad was currently setting up a special fund so that Nigerians living abroad could plan and present their investments, as well as other financial matters.  The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said that the new policy is expected to attract foreign investment by investing in the right amount of money and will greatly boost the Nigerian...

An Yabi Babban Bankin Najeriya (CBN) Kan Fito Da Tsarin Bani Naira In Ba Ka Dala

Shugabar Hukumar kula da 'yan Najeriya mazauna kasashen waje (NIDCOM) Abike Dabiri-Erewa, ta yaba wa Babban Bankin Najeriya (CBN) kan bullo da shirin. A wata sanarwa da jami'in hulda da jama’a na NIDCOM, Abdur-Rahman Balogun ya sanya wa hannu, Dabiri-Erewa ta ce shirin wani abin ci gaba ne da aka yi maraba da shi, domin zai karfafawa maziyarta damar aika kudi ta hanyoyin hukuma. Shi ma bankin na CBN, ya bayyana cewa wannan tsari wani kwarin gwiwa da ci gaba ne ga masu musayar kudaden kasashen waje inda masu aiko da kudaden zasu biya naira 5 a kan kowace dala da aka ka shigo da ita.  Dabirewa ta ce manufar idan aka aiwatar da ita yadda ya kamata, za ta yi tasiri ga tattalin arzikin Najeriya. Ta ce yanzu haka ofishin hulda da 'yan Najeriya mazauna kasashen wajen na kan samar da wani asusun na musamman ta yadda ‘yan Nijeriya mazauna kasashen wajen za su iya tsarawa da kuma gabatar da jarin su, da sauran lamurran da suka shafi hada-hadar kudi. Babban bankin na CBN y...

A Nigerian Court Sentences Child Kidnappers

The men were arraigned on Tuesday in Abakaliki Magistrate's Court on charges of kidnapping two children aged five and four. He said the children were abducted on February 25 in Agubai, Ikwo Local Government Area of ​​Ebonyi State, according to the prosecuting officer, Micheal Eze. After denying the allegations, Michael denied bail, saying: "We are afraid they may violate the bail conditions and the kidnapping has already caused concern for the family." Judge Nnenna Onuoha remanded them in custody and referred the case to the Family Court for further proceedings. "It simply came to our notice then. He has now been taken to the Family Court, where his bail application will be considered, ”she said. The judge adjourned the case to March 11 for further proceedings in the Family Court

Farkawar Matan Afirka

Afirka nahiya ce mai dogon tarihi. Tun asali,  yawancin Turawa sun yi kokarin sanya idanu a kan nahiyar, sun ziyarce ta don neman ko dai kasuwanci, wanda a wancan lokacin wani nau'i ne na cinikin bayi ko kuma daga baya ya koma ga cinikin kayan masarufi kamar su gyada, auduga, fatun dabbobi da makamantansu. Zuwan Larabawa kuma, a wasu lardunan Afirka na lokacin, gami da yankin da ake kira "Sudaniyya", wanda ya hada da Sudan, Najeriya, Chadi, da wasu sassan Jamhuriyar Nijar, ya haifar da yaduwar Musulunci da al'adun Gabas. Daga baya, zuwan Bature ya kawo kiristanci, ilimin yamma da sauran manufofin Turawa. Nahiyar Afirka sannu a hankali tana juyawa zuwa matakai daban-daban; daga duhun kai har zuwa halin da ake ciki a yau. Ilimin addini da na zamani sun samu gindin zama a kasashen Afirka, amma har yanzu mata suna baya a wannan tafiyar. Sau da yawa za ka ga mata a yankunan karkara har ma da wasu biranen Afirka ci...

Dawn of African Women

Africa is a continent with rich history and culture. Many europeans tried to put eyes on the continent, visited for either exploration or trade, which at the time was a kind of slavery before later reverting to the trade of essential commodities such as peanuts, cotton, animal skins and the like. The arrival of Arabs in some African provinces of the time, including the so-called "Sudan" region, which included Sudan, Nigeria, Chad, and parts of the Republic of Niger, led to the spread of Islam and the culture of the East. Later, the arrival of the Europeans brought Christianity, Western education and other Western-style policies. Africa is slowly evolving to different levels; from the darkness of the head to the dawn of today. Religious and modern education have taken root in African countries, but women are still lagging behind in this journey. You will often find women in rural areas and even some African cities in ...

Seven Wonders of the World - The Great Pyramid of Egypt

Have you ever heard of the Seven Wonders of the World? If you have never been to one today, we would like to begin by bringing you some information about them, starting with the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The pyramid you see in the pictures above is amazing; It was built thousands of years ago, around 2580 - 2560 BC. History has it that it was built by an Egyptian prince named Pharaoh Khufus, as the tomb of the great Egyptian emperors known as Pharaohs, and even the richest of the time. Its height is 146.7 meters which is 481 feet. The  Giza  Pyramid as it is known, is 230.34 meters or 455 feet wide. A brick of large stones the size of a mercedece-benz, was used in building it, with help of million slaves sent from far and wide to the place where it was built. History has shown that it took 20 years to build this pyramid and it is currently 3,800 years old. The site is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and as one of the Seven Won...

'Yan Bindiga Sun Kai Hari Gidajen Ma'aikatan Filayen Jiragen Saman Najeria Tare Da Sace Mutum 11

Rahotanni sun ce wasu ‘yan bindiga sun kai hari a gidajen ma'aikatan Hukumar Filin Jirgin Saman Tarayyar Najeriya da ke Kaduna, inda suka yi awon gaba da akalla mutane 11. Rahotannin baya-bayan nan sun kuma bayyana cewa ‘yan bindigar sun yi nasarar sace ma’aikacin Hukumar Kula da Sararin Samaniyar Najeriya (NAMA)A, da matarsa, da jami’in Hukumar Kula da Yanayi ta Kasa (NIMET) da ya’yansa, kuma har yanzu ba a san inda suke ba. Satar mutane ya zama ruwan dare a Najeriya a yau, kuma kusan kowace safiya ana samun rahotannin kashe-kashe ko satar mutane don neman kudin fansa.  A makon da ya gabata ne shugaban Najeriya Muhammadu Buhari ya sha alwashin kawo karshen satar mutane a Najeriya amma ga dukkan alamu kalaman nasa ba su yi tasiri ba. 

Gunmen Abducted 11 FAAN Staff In Kaduna

A group of gunmen yesterday attacked the residences of the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria Kaduna. Reports say gunmen stormed the compound and abducted at least 11 people. Recent reports suggest that the bandits also abducted a staff of  Nigerian Airspace Management Agency NAMA, his wife, a National Meteorological Agency (NIMET) official and his children.Their whereabouts are still unknown. Kidnappings are common in Nigeria today, and almost every morning there are reports of killings or kidnappings for ransom. Last week Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari vowed to end abduction in Nigeria but for all indications his words were not effective.

Nigerian President Vaccinated Against Covid-19

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and his vice president, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca vaccine, just one day after the nationwide vaccination campaign. Earlier, the Federal Government announced that as soon as the vaccine arrives in Nigeria, the President, government officials and all Governors will be at the forefront of the immunization drive which would be shown on the National Television (NTA) to set an example for other Nigerians, as well as allay their fears about the legitimacy of the vaccine. The president's doctor, Dr. Shuaibu Rafindadi, vaccinated the president at 11:53 a.m. Nigerian time (10:53 a.m. GMT) on Saturday, and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo immediately joined the process. They were also provided with electronic immunization cards by the Director General of Primary Health Care Development (NPHCDA), Dr. Faisal Shuaib. Nigeria successfully started the vaccination on Tuesday, becoming the third West African country to ...

An Yiwa Shugaban Najeriya Allurar Rigakafin Cutar Korona

An yi wa shugaban tarayyar Najeriya, Muhammadu Buhari da mataimakinsa, Farfesa Yemi Osinbajo allurar rigakafin cutar Korona (Covid-19) na kamfanin AstraZeneca, kwana daya kacal da soma aikin allurar a duk fadin kasar. Idan za a tuna, Gwamnatin Tarayya ta sanar a baya cewa lokacin da allurar rigakafin ta iso Nijeriya, Shugaban kasa da jami'an gwamnati da ma dukkan Gwamnonin kasar za su kasance na farko da za a yi wa rigakafin da za nuna a gidan Talabijin na kasa NTA, domin ya zama misali ga sauran 'yan Najeriya da za su biyo baya. Likitan shugaban kasanr, Dakta Shu’aibu Rafindadi ne ya yiwa shugaban kasar allurar da misalin karfe 11:53 agogon Najeria 10:53 kenan agogon GMT na safiyar yau din nan Asabar, shi ma mataimakin shugaban kasa, Yemi Osinbajo ya bi sahu nan take. An kuma basu katinan lantarki da ke dauke da bayanan allurar rigakafin su ta hannun Babban Daraktan Hukumar Kula da Lafiya a Matakin Farko (NPHCDA), Dakta Faisal Shuaib. Najeriya ta samu nasarar karba...

We Are Not Exceptional - Zamfara State Legislators

The Zamfara state government has taken a stand against President Muhammadu Buhari's order to ban all flights across the state. State legislators voted against the move, describing it as action speaks louder than words. One of the law makers in the state who came up with the bill, Faruku Dosara, slammed the federal government and retaliated against President Buhari's security adviser, retired Major General Babagana Munguno, for his alleged negligence in the issues concerning security and prosecuting suspects involved in the case. About 300 Jangebe Science Secondary School students were recently abducted and held captive by gunmen for several days before being released, which experts say a ransom must be paid before a deal can be reached. Faruku Dosara said, "It is not only Zamfara State that has the issue of kidnapping in Nigeria, there are Dabchi, Kangara, Chibok and Kagara in Niger State. Why is Zamfara different? We are not exceptional". In a...

Ba Kan Mu Aka Fara Ba - 'Yan Majalisar Zamfara

Gwamnatin jahar Zamfara ta sa kafa ta yi fatali da umurnin da shugaban kasa Muhammadu Buhari ya bayar na hana shawagin jiragen sama a duk fadin jahar. 'Yan majalisar jahar sun yi kukan kura in da suka kada kuri'ar kin amincewa da wannan mataki da suka bayyana da ihu-bayan-hari. Daya daga mahunkuntan da ya fito da kudirin har ya samu amincewa, Faruku Dosara yayi terere wa gwamnatin tarayya tare da raddi ga mai ba shugaba Buhari shawara kan lamurran tsaro, Manjo Janar Babagana Munguno mai ritaya, dangane da sakaci da ya zarge shi da yi kan lamurran da suka shafi tsaro da hukunta wadanda ake zargi da hannu ga sha'anin. Kwanan nan dai ne aka yi garkuwa da daliban makarantar Sakandiren Kimiyya ta Jangebe su kimanin 300 da suka shafe kwanaki a hannun 'yan bindiga kafin sakin su, abinda masana ke zargin sai da aka biya kudin fansa kafin a cimma yarjejeniyar, lamarin da zai iya ci gaba da dagula matsalar tsaro a Najeriya. Faruku Dosara ya ce, "ai ba...

Ba Za Kara Sace Kowa Ba A Najeriya - Inji Buhari

Shugaban Najeriya Muhammadu Buhari ya sha alwashin kawo karshen ci gaba da satar jama'a a fadin Najeriya. An dai jiyo hakan ne a ta bakin Ministan sufurin jiragen sama na kasa, Sanata Hadi Sirika lokacin da ya jagoranci tawagar Gwamnatin tarayya don yiwa gwamnatin jahar Zamfara jaje, akan daliban Makarantar Kimiyya ta 'Yan Mata ta Jangebe su kimanin 300 da aka sace. Sirika ya ce wannan shi ne na karshe, domin kuwa gwamnatin tarayya za ta dauki sabbin matakai da za su taimaka wajen dakushe ayukkan ta'addanci da suka mamaye yankunan arewa. Ya kara da cewa Buhari ya nuna damuwarsa matuna kan yadda ayukkan ta'addanci ke dada raruwa. Shugaban kasar ya kuma yabawa gwamnan jahar Zamfara saboda kokarinsa wajen yaki da matsalar tsaro. Shi ma gwamnan jahar Zamfara, Bello Mutawalle ya bayyana jin dadi akan yadda gwanatin tarayya ke nuna kulawarta akan wannan lamari.

No More Abduction In Nigeria - Says Buhari

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has assured Nigerians that abduction of 300 female students from Government Girls Science Secondary School, Jangebe, Zamfara State, would be the last to happen in the country. Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika, conveyed Buhari’s declaration when he led a high-powered federal government delegation to sympathise with the people and government of Zamfara State. According to him, 'Buhari is assuring the citizens there would be no abduction again because the Federal Government would show its commitment in fighting banditry and other forms of insecurity in the country’.  The minister said new measures have been developed by the federal government which would bring complete end to all forms of criminality in the nation. Sirika said the president is agitated by the setback and increase of banditry in almost everywhere in the north, which he noted that would not be tolerated. Buhari also commends zamfara State Governor, Bello Matawalle...

Gunmen Killed Suswam Elder Brother

Gunmen in a car have killed Terkula Suswam, the elder brother of former Benue State Governor Gabriel Suswam. They also killed his aide in an attack that occurred at Anyiin in Gaambetiev of Logo Local Government Area at about 8.40 pm in the late evening. An eyewitness said he was working outside his compound when a Toyota car, speedily approached him. The source said the victim suspected the vehicle’s occupants to be gunmen and attempt to run into the compound before he was shot. Recent attacks and kidnapping in Nigeria lead thousand of people to leave their homes and instead end up as refugees in other places and this stuation put many in dillema.

NDLEA Arrests A Dangerous Transborder Drug Trafficker

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has arrested a transborder drugtrafficer simply identified as Nkem Timothy, alias Auwalu Audu, in Sokoto State with 62 wraps of substance suspected to be cocaine weighing 1.550kg worth about N1bn According to NDLEA, the suspect, 36-year-old Nkem Timothy, alias Auwalu Audu, was arrested with 62 wraps of cocaine substance weighing 1.550kg, which has an estimated street value of about N1bn. The agency’s Director, Media and Advocacy, Mr. Femi Babafemi, mentioned that the suspect was arrested while trying to cross to Algeria through the Niger Republic. He quoted the acting state Commander of NDLEA in Sokoto, Bamidele Segun, as saying that the suspect was intercepted on a motorcycle around the Baggage area at Illela border while trying to cross to Niger Republic, with his final destination meant to be Algeria, where he resides. Daily Star Nigeria gathered that the illicit drug was neatly concealed inside Youghurt bottles. “He was found wit...