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National Directorate of Employment (NDE) Disburses 100,000 as a Loan to 108 Agricultural Empowerment Scheme Beneficiaries in Sokoto

The state Coordinator of the agency said this was to enable the beneficiaries to be self reliant and contribute their quota to the development of the country.

She said the programme was a combined orientation made up of 108 beneficiaries of Agricultural Empowerment Scheme, Community Based Agricultural Empowerment Scheme, Sustainable Agricultural Development Empowerment Scheme and Graduate Agricultural Empowerment Scheme that were given loans of N100, 000 each.

Mrs. Danmallam added that the beneficiaries are graduates of NDE agricultural Extension, Poultry and Vegetable production. She said the money disbursed to them was a loan facility which would attract a single digit simple interest rate of 9 % and will have a moratorium of six months before beneficiaries will start paying back and it is repayable in three years. 

Therefore, urged the them to ensure timely repayment to enable other unemployed persons to also benefit.

In his goodwill message, representative of the Director Rural Employment Programme, Mr. Joshua Fabgbemi said the effort of the NDE through the rural Employement Promotion Department is to reduce unemployment through the agricultural sector.

Also speaking, the special guest of honour Dr Jazuli Alhassan from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, urged participants to take advantage of the programmes to contribute in the development of the country.

He also assured of their continued readiness to partner with NDE towards ensuring the training of unemployed youths in the country.

Some of the beneficiaries of the loan appreciated NDE for the gesture and promised to be good ambassadors of the scheme.


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Bayan kammala wani zaman tattaunawa a jiya talata da Hukumar ta INEC ta yi a Abuja dangane da dambarwar da ta faru a jahar Adamawa.  Hukumar ta fitar da sanarwar matakin da ta ɗauka a shafinta na twitter, inda ta yi kira ga Sifetan 'yan sanda na ƙasa da ya gurfanar tare da tuhumar tsohon kwamishinan zaɓen jahar Barista Hudu Yunusa Ari. Ta kuma nemi Sakataren Gwamnatin Tarayya da ya ja hankakin hukumomin da ke da alhakin naɗa kwamishinonin zaɓe domin ɗaukar matakin da ya dace. Wannan dambarwar ta soma ne tun daga ranar Lahadi lokacin da kwamishinan zaɓen ya ayyana A'ishatu Ɗahiru Binani a matsayin wadda aka zaɓa gwamnar jahar Adamawa gabanin a kammala tattara sakamakon zabe.

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