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Seven Wonders of the World - The Great Pyramid of Egypt

Have you ever heard of the Seven Wonders of the World?
If you have never been to one today, we would like to begin by bringing you some information about them, starting with the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
The pyramid you see in the pictures above is amazing; It was built thousands of years ago, around 2580 - 2560 BC. History has it that it was built by an Egyptian prince named Pharaoh Khufus, as the tomb of the great Egyptian emperors known as Pharaohs, and even the richest of the time.
Its height is 146.7 meters which is 481 feet. The Giza  Pyramid as it is known, is 230.34 meters or 455 feet wide. A brick of large stones the size of a mercedece-benz, was used in building it, with help of million slaves sent from far and wide to the place where it was built.
History has shown that it took 20 years to build this pyramid and it is currently 3,800 years old.
The site is designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


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