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A Woman Kills Her Own Baby Burns Her Husband

The Ogun state Police Command has arrested a 43-year-old housewife and mother of five, Bisola Awodele, for allegedly pouring hot water on her husband, Peter Philips over accusation of being drunkard and abandoning his responsibility.

According to the police, the suspect had given birth to a baby about eight months ago, but she killed and secretly buried the baby out of frustration.

It was gathered that the suspect was arrested following a report by the husband at the Ota Divisional Police Headquarters, Ogun State.

The victim reportedly ran into the police station with burns all over his body and reported that there was a fight between him and his wife who accused him of always being drunk and in the process the wife picked up a pot of hot water and poured it on him.

Ogun state police spokesman, Abimbola Oyeyemi, who confirmed the incident on Sunday in Abeokuta said following receipt of the report,  the area commander, ACP Muhideen Obe, directed the operatives to effect the arrest of the woman.

“On interrogation, the suspect explained to the police how her husband was fond of coming home drunk and not contributing anything to her welfare and the children’s.

“She stated further that on that fateful day, the husband came home drunk as usual, and while she was complaining about his drunkenness,  he started insulting her and her parents which infuriated her,” he said.

Oyeyemi said the commissioner of police, Edward Awolowo Ajogun, had ordered the immediate transfer of the case to state criminal investigation and intelligence department for further investigation and prosecution.


Wadanda aka fi karantawa

INEC Ta Nemi A Kama Kwamishinan Da Ya Sanar Da Sakamakon Zaɓen Adamawa

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Takalman Fir'auna

Takalman Zinariya na Fir'auna Tutankhamun, na daula ta 18 wadda ya yi mulki shekaru 1,300 kafin haihuwar Annabi Isa (AS). Yanzu haka waɗannan takalman na nan a Gidan Adana kayan Tarihi na Masarautar Alƙahira da ke Misira 📷 Saliadeen Sicey