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Itikaf To Be Banned During This Ramadan - Sultan

The Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), under the leadership of Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III, has called for a ban on Muslims planning to enter the mosque for the worship of Allah, known as the "Itkaf", during this year's Ramadan. According to the council the measure has been taken to curtail the spread of the Covid-19 in Nigeria.  The move comes at a time when political activities and other traditional ceremonies such as turbanning, are being  done in the country.  Last year, similar measures were taken in the name of preventing the Covid-19 epidemic,  but the goals were not achieved, as many in the community disobeyed the order.

Za A Dakatar Da Masu Itikafi Shiga Masallatai A Bana - Sarkin Musulmi

Majalisar koli ta lamurran addinin musulunci ta Najeriya, NSCIA,  karkashin jagorancin Sarkin Musulmi Muhammad Sa'ad Abubakar III ta nemi da a hana musulmai masu shirin shiga itikaf don bautar Allah a wannan azumin Ramalana na bana, shiga kowane masallaci, sakamakon annobar korona na ci gaba da bazuwa a Najeriya. Wannan matakin dai na zuwa ne daidai lokacin da 'yan siyasa da masu nadin sarautu ke ci gaba da gudanar da harkokinsu cikin cin koso a Najeriya. Ko a bara ma an dauki matakai masu alaka da hakan, da sunan kandagarkin annobar Covid-19. To sai dai kwalliya ba ta biya kudin sabulu ba, kasancewar da dama daga al'umma ne suka bijerewa umurnin.

Coup Attempt Foiled In Niger Republic

Two days before the inauguration of the new government in the Republic of Niger, a military coup took place on Tuesday night. Reports say that gunfire erupted at the Presidential Palace around 3:00 am, last night. However, the AFP news agency reported that the measure had been blocked.  Today the city of Niamey is on a day-to-day basis.  So far no details have been released on the purpose of the new coup attempt, concerning those involved.  Niger has a long history of coups d'état from the military to the present day. Many leaders, including Saleh Kumchey, Baare Mainasara and Mammadou Tandja, have staged military coups.  Following the February 28 Presidential Election in the country, which was won by Bazoum Mohammed, many expect that this is the time to hand over power from one civilian government to another for the first time in the country.

An Dakile Yunkurin Juyin Mulki A Nijar

Kwanaki biyu rak suka rage a rantsar da sabuwar gwamnati a Jamhuriyar Nijar wasu sojoji suka yi wani yunkurin juyin mulki a daren jiya talata. Rahotanni da ke shigowa yanzu haka na cewa tun da misalin karfe 3:00 na daren jiya ne aka soma jiyo harbe-haben bindiga a fadar gwamnatin kasar. Sai dai kamfanin dilancin labaru na AFP ya ruwaito cewa an dakile matakin. A yau birnin Yamai ya zama cikin shirin ko-ta-kwana. Kawo yanzu dai babu wani cikakken bayani game da manufar wannan sabon yunkurin juyin mulkin da ma wadanda suka so kaddamar da shi. Kasar Nijar dai ta dade tana fuskantar yawan juyin mulki tun daga lokacin sojoji ya zuwa yau. In da da dama daga shugabannin kasar da suka hada da Saleh Kumchey, Baare Mainasara har kawo Mammadou Tandja ake samun juyin mulkin sojoji. Bayan kammala zaben shugaban kasa da ya gudana a ranar 28 ga watan Febrairun da ya gabata, wanda Bazoum Mohammed yayi nasara akan Mohammed Ousmane, ake sa ran a karon farko za a mika mulki daga wata gwamnati...

The Nigerian Governors Forum Describe The Militant Attack On Benue State Governor As Shocking

The Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) has described the militant attack on the Benue State governor as "shocking" and "scary".  Governor Samuel Ortom's delegation was attacked by gunmen on Saturday on the Makurdi-Gboko road, when he visited his farm.  In a statement issued by the group's chairman and Ekiti State Governor Kayode Fayemi on Sunday, the NGF congratulated Ortom for the escape from the attack which it said was "scary and offensive".  Inspector General of Police Mohammed Adamu also condemned the attack and ordered that security be beefed up on the governor and an investigation launched.  "The NGF has said in a loud voice that efforts to rehabilitate Benue State will not succeed," the statement said.  "One of the relatives of a former governor of the state was recently killed. This kind of act of violence must be stopped for whatever reason to kill the people of Benue."

"Ba Zan Taba Sulhu Da 'Yan Ta'adda Ba" - In ji El-Rufa'i

Gwamnan jihar Kaduna Malam Nasir El-Tufa'i ya ce ba zai taba yin sulhu da 'yan bindigar da suka sace dalibai 39 a jihar Kaduna ba. Ya ce, "ta yaya za ka dauki kudi ka ba dan ta'addan da zai yi amfani da shi ya sayi makamai wanda zai yi amfani da shi a kan ka". A makon da ya gabata, ‘yan ta’adda sun sace dalibai 39 tare da neman kudin fansa har Naira miliyan 500 daga Gwamnatin Kaduna. Gwamnan ya fada a watan jiya cewa ba zai taba yin sulhu da duk wani dan fashi da makami don neman kudin fansa ba. Jihar Kaduna da ke arewacin Najeriya na fuskantar yawan sace-sacen mutane, inda makonni biyu da suka gabata wasu mahara suka farma wani rukunin gidajen ma’aikatan Hukumar Filaye Jiragen Sama ta Kasa da ke Kaduna tare da yin awon gaba mutane 11 wanda kawo yanzu ba a san inda suke ba.

"I Will Never Compromise With Terrorists", Says El-Rufai

Kaduna State Governor Malam Nasir El-Tufa'i has said he would never compromise with the gunmen who kidnapped 39 students in Kaduna State. He said, "how can you take money and give it to a terrorist who will use it to buy weapons that will also be used against you". Last week, 39 students were abducted by terrorists and demanded a ransom of 500 million naira from Kaduna State Government. The governor had said last month that he would never reconcile with any armed robber for ransom. The northern Nigerian state of Kaduna has been rocked by a spate of kidnappings in recent weeks, with two weeks ago raiding an airport staff area in Kaduna abducting 11 people and their whereabouts are still unknown.

A Woman Kills Her Own Baby Burns Her Husband

The Ogun state Police Command has arrested a 43-year-old housewife and mother of five, Bisola Awodele, for allegedly pouring hot water on her husband, Peter Philips over accusation of being drunkard and abandoning his responsibility. According to the police, the suspect had given birth to a baby about eight months ago, but she killed and secretly buried the baby out of frustration. It was gathered that the suspect was arrested following a report by the husband at the Ota Divisional Police Headquarters, Ogun State. The victim reportedly ran into the police station with burns all over his body and reported that there was a fight between him and his wife who accused him of always being drunk and in the process the wife picked up a pot of hot water and poured it on him. Ogun state police spokesman, Abimbola Oyeyemi, who confirmed the incident on Sunday in Abeokuta said following receipt of the report,  the area commander, ACP Muhideen Obe, directed the operatives to effect ...

Ta Ya Za Ku Gane Labaran Karya?

A wannan lokacin, yana da matukar wuya a gano labaran karya nan take ba tare da bincike mai zurfi ba. Mutane na yada labarai marasa tushe a kokarin cimma wata mummunar manufa. Misali na kwanan nan shine game da asalin Annobar Korona (Covid-19) da kuma tsarin sadarwa na intanet na 5G. Wasu mutane kuma suna amfani da sunayen wasu shahararrun kamfanonin yada labarai wajen kaddamar da shafukansu na yanar gizon a Facebook. Za ku ga sunayen jaridu da kuka sani amma suna dauke da tambari daban-daban kuma wani lokacin ana rubuta sunayen ba bisa tsari ba. Domin gano labaran karya a shafukan Facebook da tweeter, koyaushe a yi la'akari da abubuwan da ke ciki da tsarin harshen da aka yi amfani da shi wajen rubuta labaran.  Wani lokaci idan asusun na bogi ne zaka ga abubuwan da ke ciki ba a tsara su ba, babu rariyar likau kuma suna cike da kurakuran nahawu. Lura, ku tabbata kun ga alamar tabbaci mai launin shuɗi da ke nuna cewa asusun na kwarai ne kamar dai na BBC. Ku yi nazarin labari kafin ku...

How To Identify Fake News?

In this time, it is very difficult to identify fake news instantly without strong research. People spread baseless information in an attempt to achieve a bad goal. A recent example is about the origin of the Covid-19 and the 5G network. Some people also use the names of prominent media companies to launch their fake websites or Facebook pages. You will see the names of newspapers you know but carry different logo and sometimes the names are written in an awkward way. To identify a fake page on Social Media like Facebook and tweeter, always consider the contents and language used. Sometimes if the account is fake you will find the contents are not organized, no links and are full of grammatical errors. Note, make sure you look for a blue verification tick which shows that the account is authentic like that of the BBC. Examine a story before you believe it, not every story is true