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NDE Disbursed 20,000 Naira as Loan to 228 Small Scale Business Owners in Sokoto

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has disbursed simple rate loan of =N=20,000 to 228 small business owners in Sokoto State.  
Speaking on the occasion, held Thursday, at Shamsuddeen Plaza Sokoto, the State Coordinator, Mrs Eunice J. Danmallam said the NDE was established in 1987, and since then it has continued its creative work especially for young graduates and always keeps providing training and support to small business owners.
 She added that under the current Director General of the NDE, Malam Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo, a number of measures have been put in place to help youths and small scale business owners by lending them low interest loans to repay within three months.  
However, Danmallan said the agency has selected about 8026 Nigerians to benefit from the Programme, of which 228 are from Sokoto State. 
The Sokoto State Coordinator urged the beneficiaries of the scheme to use the loans wisely, and then demanded that they repay after three months which would allow others to benefit. 
 Mrs Danmallam said this loan is provided in particular to groundnuts cake makers, beans cake as well as men who sell tea and bread among others. 

She described the NDE Director General, Malam Abubakar Nuhu ​​Fikpo, as a man who stood up for the agency to continue to achieve its core objectives of ensuring a safe haven for the unemployed. She added that the arrangements had already been made to continue sending the money through the beneficiaries' bank accounts, while the distribution of the funds to those present has already started.
In his remarks,  Alhaji Jibril Abdullahi, who is the HOD from the agency, said that the system was designed to ensure that all Nigerians benefit from the work of the NDE. 
He also advised those who have benifitted with money not to squander and said they should at least use 80% in the business they want to start.  
A senior official from the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital's Patient Care Foundation, Malam Murtala Mohammed Kangiwa, expressed satisfaction with the way the NDE has benefited those who are vulnerable and in need of support.
He said: "It is gratifying to see the distance is so close now. In the past you would see a person in need of training or support from the agency but did not know how to go about it".

Dr. Umar Abdullahi Abo, lauded the efforts of the agency and described it as the backbone of the development of the youth and the underprivileged in Nigeria.
Dr Abo also listed the appropriate business strategies and strategies that the beneficiaries of the loan should focus on if they are to succeed.  
The representative of the people of Borno and Yobe from the Kanuri Foundation, Malam Saleh Adamu, pointed out that they have now reaffirmed the efforts of the NDE which is in the interest of all Nigerians without discrimination.  Many of the beneficiaries of the loan have expressed their gratitude to the NDE and pledged to use the loan in the right way, with the intention of repaying it within the stipulated time.


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INEC Ta Nemi A Kama Kwamishinan Da Ya Sanar Da Sakamakon Zaɓen Adamawa

Bayan kammala wani zaman tattaunawa a jiya talata da Hukumar ta INEC ta yi a Abuja dangane da dambarwar da ta faru a jahar Adamawa.  Hukumar ta fitar da sanarwar matakin da ta ɗauka a shafinta na twitter, inda ta yi kira ga Sifetan 'yan sanda na ƙasa da ya gurfanar tare da tuhumar tsohon kwamishinan zaɓen jahar Barista Hudu Yunusa Ari. Ta kuma nemi Sakataren Gwamnatin Tarayya da ya ja hankakin hukumomin da ke da alhakin naɗa kwamishinonin zaɓe domin ɗaukar matakin da ya dace. Wannan dambarwar ta soma ne tun daga ranar Lahadi lokacin da kwamishinan zaɓen ya ayyana A'ishatu Ɗahiru Binani a matsayin wadda aka zaɓa gwamnar jahar Adamawa gabanin a kammala tattara sakamakon zabe.

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