WhatsApp users, especially in Nigeria, have been hit hard after a message was sent saying that their accounts would be closed if they did not send the message to at least 20 numbers.
The text message and voicemail in Hausa and English are said to have come from "WhatsApp Director Varun Pulyani."
The message also said that the company was sold to Mark Zuckerberg, the person who owns Facebook and Instagram, so sending the message will cause your "WhatsApp logo to change to a new icon with Facebook 'f' in 24 hours. "The message said.
Tantabara News investigation into these messages has proved to be untrue
He goes on to say that refusing to do so will result in the deletion of your WhatsApp account or the company will start charging you money every month.
However, an investigation into these messages has confirmed that the allegations are not true. The message is not from WhatsApp.
WhatsApp was first developed by Brian Acton and Jan Koum in 2009 and they sold Mr. Mark Zuckerberg in 2014 (about seven years ago) for $19 billion.
Will Cathcart is the current chairman of WhatsApp so we do not know where the propagandists of that bogus found Mr. Varun Pulyani.
WhatsApp also has its own Facebook and Twitter accounts, and it announces the upcoming changes and other important developments for the company.
WhatsApp can send instant messaging or WhatsApp status to all users, as it has done in the past.
Some experts have linked the fake message to a statement issued by WhatsApp, saying that from the beginning of November 2021 the software will stop working on 43 older phones.
Then one of the messages was recorded by a voice of a European who was pouring information.
This, too, is uncertain, as many audio and video recorders record what their soul desires to spread. And voicemail is still unsafe because anyone can send it, and even in Europe there are rumors.
So this message that is common among Nigerians, where they keep sending it to people on a regular basis is not true.
Bashir Ahmad Zubairu is a journalist and public commentator based in Nigeria.