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Kanu Lawyer Has Been Barred From Entering Court Five Times

A lawyer who came from the United States to defend Nnamdi Kanu said it was the fifth time he had been barred from entering court by security forces on Wednesday.

Mr Bruce Fein alleges that he was the only DSS officer trying to prevent him from participating in the case.

"I am his foreign lawyer and despite assurances that the accused can see all his lawyers but this is the fifth time I have been barred from entering his (Kanu's) presence," he said.

Speaking to reporters shortly after the adjournment, the team of lawyers threatened to change the court because they felt their client would not be treated fairly.

"Based on what we saw today, we do not think this court will do us justice, so we will draw from what we saw today," said one of the lawyers.

The Judge, Binta Nyako adjourned the case to January 19th and 20, 2022.


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