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Thousands of People Are Fleeing Ukraine

Photo: DW
Russian troops have entered Ukraine from various directions, including the separatist and Donbas regions from the east, Belarus from the north and Crimea from the south.
Residents in Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, say windows have collapsed as a result of the powerful blasts, as Ukrainian and Russian forces exchange fire.
But fighting is also taking place near the capital Kyiv from the north and at ports on the Black Sea coast and in the cities of Odesa and Mariupol from the south.
Russia has been carrying out airstrikes on Ukrainian military bases and airports, with fighting intensifying near a key airport near Kyiv.
The Ukrainian military claims to have shot down at least six Russian warplanes, while Russia claims to have destroyed more than 70 military bases in Ukraine.
Many Ukrainians seek refuge or try to leave the big cities across the country, where thousands of people are fleeing Kyiv.


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Bayan kammala wani zaman tattaunawa a jiya talata da Hukumar ta INEC ta yi a Abuja dangane da dambarwar da ta faru a jahar Adamawa.  Hukumar ta fitar da sanarwar matakin da ta ɗauka a shafinta na twitter, inda ta yi kira ga Sifetan 'yan sanda na ƙasa da ya gurfanar tare da tuhumar tsohon kwamishinan zaɓen jahar Barista Hudu Yunusa Ari. Ta kuma nemi Sakataren Gwamnatin Tarayya da ya ja hankakin hukumomin da ke da alhakin naɗa kwamishinonin zaɓe domin ɗaukar matakin da ya dace. Wannan dambarwar ta soma ne tun daga ranar Lahadi lokacin da kwamishinan zaɓen ya ayyana A'ishatu Ɗahiru Binani a matsayin wadda aka zaɓa gwamnar jahar Adamawa gabanin a kammala tattara sakamakon zabe.