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The Nigerian Union of Railways (NUR) To Go On Nationwide Strike

The National Union of Railways (NUR) and its senior staff, SSA, have ordered the National Railways Commission (NRC) to go on a three-day nationwide strike from Thursday, November 18th, 2021, on insecurity.
The leaders of the two groups in a statement issued on the evening of Friday, November 12, said the development followed a meeting of the NRC on Wednesday, November 10th.
In a letter to the district union leaders and their secretaries of Lagos, Ibadan, Enugu, Zaria, Minna, Bauchi, Kafanchan etc., the leaders of the two national unions instructed them to convene a meeting of their respective constituencies on the same day, Monday, November 15, at 10 a.m. to inform workers of the impending strike.

The statement said: “The President of the National Union of Railways (NUR) and NRC senior staff at a joint meeting held in Lagos on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, as before the Management was taken through critical discussion and review, it was finally resolved:
“That all DWCs of NUR and SSA as required, convene a general meeting of all their district staff on Monday, November 15, 2021 at 10.00 am, as a matter of urgency.  inform all employees of the commencement of the 3-day strike action from midnight before Thursday, November 18 to Saturday, November 20, 2021.
“The DWC of NUR and SSA must unite, continue to act as their district strike committee before the start of the 3-day strike and throughout the strike and will ensure full compliance with law and order.  All workers who joined the strike, according to the union leaders.
“The leaders and secretaries are responsible for reporting the situation during the strike and will go to the union secretary for information and appropriate action.
“Strikes, any way that any district wants to carry out through the program but must be in the premises of the Commission and they must be in order, without interference of any damage or violation of railway property.
"All workers must follow and leave their offices but gather behind their district union leaders to participate peacefully throughout the strike without fear or favor.
“This strike is designed only to send a warning signal to those who are qualified to meet our demands for improving living conditions and standard of service and the strike process can be followed.

"District leaders of the unions should wait for more orders from Lagos from time to time as deemed appropriate by national union officials.
"Each district must comply with this notice because any action contrary to it will be scrutinized and the leaders of the organizations."


Wadanda aka fi karantawa

INEC Ta Nemi A Kama Kwamishinan Da Ya Sanar Da Sakamakon Zaɓen Adamawa

Bayan kammala wani zaman tattaunawa a jiya talata da Hukumar ta INEC ta yi a Abuja dangane da dambarwar da ta faru a jahar Adamawa.  Hukumar ta fitar da sanarwar matakin da ta ɗauka a shafinta na twitter, inda ta yi kira ga Sifetan 'yan sanda na ƙasa da ya gurfanar tare da tuhumar tsohon kwamishinan zaɓen jahar Barista Hudu Yunusa Ari. Ta kuma nemi Sakataren Gwamnatin Tarayya da ya ja hankakin hukumomin da ke da alhakin naɗa kwamishinonin zaɓe domin ɗaukar matakin da ya dace. Wannan dambarwar ta soma ne tun daga ranar Lahadi lokacin da kwamishinan zaɓen ya ayyana A'ishatu Ɗahiru Binani a matsayin wadda aka zaɓa gwamnar jahar Adamawa gabanin a kammala tattara sakamakon zabe.

Takalman Fir'auna

Takalman Zinariya na Fir'auna Tutankhamun, na daula ta 18 wadda ya yi mulki shekaru 1,300 kafin haihuwar Annabi Isa (AS). Yanzu haka waɗannan takalman na nan a Gidan Adana kayan Tarihi na Masarautar Alƙahira da ke Misira 📷 Saliadeen Sicey