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Iraqi Prime Minister Survives Drone Explosive Assassination Attempt

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadimi says he was wounded in an attack on his home in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Officials say the prime minister's residence in a special area of ​​the capital was attacked using a small drone loaded with explosives.
In a message posted on his Twitter account, the Prime Minister called on everyone to remain calm and calm for the sake of peace in the country.
Preliminary reports from the country say Mr al-Kadimi was taken to hospital after the attack.
Officials say at least six people have been injured in this new attack.
That is why the United States has launched a series of airstrikes on Iranian-backed militants in Iraq.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Mr al-Kadimi was sworn in as prime minister in May last year and has previously served as head of the country's intelligence service.
In recent weeks, supporters of a coalition of the country's political parties have staged protests near the prime minister's residence.
They have been protesting against the results of the country's general election, which they say was rigged.
More than 100 people were injured in clashes between Iraqi security forces and protesters last week.

Bashir Ahmad Zubairu is a journalist based in Nigeria


Wadanda aka fi karantawa

INEC Ta Nemi A Kama Kwamishinan Da Ya Sanar Da Sakamakon Zaɓen Adamawa

Bayan kammala wani zaman tattaunawa a jiya talata da Hukumar ta INEC ta yi a Abuja dangane da dambarwar da ta faru a jahar Adamawa.  Hukumar ta fitar da sanarwar matakin da ta ɗauka a shafinta na twitter, inda ta yi kira ga Sifetan 'yan sanda na ƙasa da ya gurfanar tare da tuhumar tsohon kwamishinan zaɓen jahar Barista Hudu Yunusa Ari. Ta kuma nemi Sakataren Gwamnatin Tarayya da ya ja hankakin hukumomin da ke da alhakin naɗa kwamishinonin zaɓe domin ɗaukar matakin da ya dace. Wannan dambarwar ta soma ne tun daga ranar Lahadi lokacin da kwamishinan zaɓen ya ayyana A'ishatu Ɗahiru Binani a matsayin wadda aka zaɓa gwamnar jahar Adamawa gabanin a kammala tattara sakamakon zabe.

Takalman Fir'auna

Takalman Zinariya na Fir'auna Tutankhamun, na daula ta 18 wadda ya yi mulki shekaru 1,300 kafin haihuwar Annabi Isa (AS). Yanzu haka waɗannan takalman na nan a Gidan Adana kayan Tarihi na Masarautar Alƙahira da ke Misira 📷 Saliadeen Sicey